https://mepc.org/commentaries/a-reshaped-middle-east-awaits-a-new-us-administration/ ๐ธ Israel - Lebanon Ceasefire
Aftermath of Nasrallah's Assassination, Arab Center9/30/24
๐ธ Mideast Policy Takes Shape
๐ธ Implications of the War on Gaza๐ธ https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/the-far-east-pivots-to-the-middle-east/
https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/the-far-east-pivots-to-the-middle-east/๐ธ American Influence Declining:
https://arabcenterdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Declining-American-Influence-in-the-Middle-East-Afghanistan-Iraq-and-Libya.pdf๐ธ Houthis at Sea: //arabcenterdc.org/resource/assessing-yemen-as-a-second-front-in-the-gaza-war/
๐ธ Gaza Policy ๐ธ Yemen & Iran-Saudi Rapprochement:
https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/yemen-and-the- saudi-iran-rapprochement/ ๐ธ https://bit.ly/3X5mj7P Assad-Erdogan Rapprochement
๐ธ Gordian Knot: U.S. - Israel Relations ๐ธ https://gulfif.org/why-america-cant-escape-the-gulf/ ๐ธ https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/biden's Syria policy steady non-commitment and persistent failure. ๐ธLebanon's Presidential Race 2022 ๐ธhttps://bit.ly/3PmgEaP Yemen's Presidential Council
๐ธHezbollah Mirrors a Failed State & Troubled Region ๐ธ
The Long View of the Arab Uprising ๐ธ
https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/yemen-the-failure-of-international-diplomacy/ ๐ธ
https://bit.ly/3nDXgKj an international development fund for Lebanon
https://gulfif.org/formalizing-a-middle-eastern-cold-war/ ๐ธ
https://t.co/PISGx01Wa6?amp=1 ๐ธ
Biden's Yemen Initiative at a Crossroads ๐ธ
http://arabcenterdc.org/policy_analyses/yemens-critical-momen ๐ธ
https://bit.ly/3kZJHCn To End Yemen War Stop the Battle for Ma'rib
https://bit.ly/3tP8ehH A Historic Opportunity for Peace in Yemen
https://bit.ly/3oYGQtG Biden't Yemen Imperative (Atlantic Council)
https://bit.ly/36hhjpz Biden and Iraq
https://bit.ly/2ZQ9Uu1 UAE/Israel Normalization
https://bit.ly/32slYSC Riyadh Agreement 2.0
https://bit.ly/31j2sIM Lebanon: Revolution or Reform?
https://bit.ly/3a3oMJi Beirut Explosion
http://arabcenterdc.org/policy_analyses/unabated-war-and-descent-into-chaos-in-yemen/ ๐ธ
https://www.alayyam.info/news/895K946R-9BFG1E-A726 ๐ธ
https://gulfif.org/yemen-will-a-divided-nation-end-the-state/ Gulf International Forum
Order of Battle Trumps Peace in Yemen, The Arab Center, Washington, DC
The assassination of Qasem Soleimani: Likely consequences, The Atlantic Council
What Does the Riyadh Agreement Mean for the War in Yemen?,
Fletcher Forum.๐ธ
The Catch-22 of Lebanese Reform,
The Arab Center.๐ธ
Reform or Total Chaos for Lebanon?,
The Arab Center.๐ธ
Trump’s Sanctions on Hezbollah Threaten Lebanon’s Stability,
the Arab Center.๐ธ
Killing the messenger: Trump administration v. the intelligence community,
The Hill.
The Drums of War,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
A Yemen-based US foreign policy and return to international moral leadership,
The Hill.๐ธ
Passage of SJR 7, Better Late Than Never,The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Trump’s Yemen Problem,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Yemen conflict: Can one make peace with the Houthis?,
The Hill. ๐ธ
The Trump Administration Has Lost the Debate on US-Saudi Relations,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
A US–Iran strategy begins in Yemen,
The Hill. ๐ธ
Trump Exits Syria: Blundering Toward a Very Dangerous Situation,The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Oil, Arms, and Counterterrorism: A Look At Saudi Options and How Far the Kingdom May Go,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
The Khashoggi Affair: Back to the Future,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
The War in Yemen: Playing With Fire,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Yemen: The Battle for al-Hodeida Between War and Peace,
The Atlantic Council.
Iraq: The Reinvention of Muqtada al-Sadr,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Lebanese Elections: This is Not a Political Earthquake,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Why It’s A Bad Idea To Abandon The White Helmets In Syria,
The Atlantic Council.
Yemen: What Dreams May Come,The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
The Meaning of Eastern Ghouta and Assad’s “Victory”,
The Cairo Review. ๐ธ
A farewell to Ali Abdullah Saleh,
Al Jazeera English.๐ธ
Yemen: National Reconciliation Without Foreign Intervention,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
The Limits of Democratization in Morocco,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Trump Rushes into Raqqa,
The Cairo Review.
When Will They Announce the Death of the Arabs?,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ Limitless Ambitions Of Yemen’s Houthis, The Cairo Review. ๐ธ
The Arab World’s Sorry State,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
Scramble for Iraq,
The Cairo Review.๐ธ
Watching Cairo from Washington,
Foreign Policy.
No Exit: The Politics of Garbage in Lebanon,
The Cairo Review.๐ธ
Lebanonizing Yemen May Save It,
The Atlantic Council.๐ธ
The Obama Doctrine and the Middle East: Problems and Prospects,
Geo-strategic Media. ๐ธ
Will the Real President Obama Please Stand Up?,
The Chicago Council for Global Affairs.๐ธ
Book Review: The New Middle East: Protest and Revolution in the Arab World by Fawaz Gerges,
Penn State University Press. ๐ธ
Yemen: In Search of a Coherent U.S. Policy,
Middle East Policy.
Book Review of William Rugh's Front Line Pubic Diplomacy,
International Journal of Middle East Studies.
๐ธ Chapter in "
Leadership and Development in Arab Society" book,
American University of Beirut.
Middle East Corner,
Northwestern University.
The Arab Cold War Revisited: The Regional Impact of the Arab Uprising,
Middle East Policy.๐ธ
The Pragmatic Trend in Inter-Arab Politics,
Middle East Journal.